Pacific Fleet Engineering is a fully owned subsidiary of the Pacific Tug Group. It provides a specialised all-inclusive vessel maintenance service including:
- Engineering maintenance and repair
- Hull Repairs
- Abrasive blasting and industrial paint application
- Dry docking project management
- Fabrication and modification
- Vessel refits and survey management
What we do?
Pacific Fleet Engineering (PFE) can provide a complete project management package for vessel dockings including planning, budgeting, scheduling and supervision. In addition to the expertise of our engineering and maintenance personnel, our clients also have access to skilled specialised marine contractors, including general engineering, OEM engine technicians, propeller and drive train specialists, marine electricians, marine refrigeration mechanics and variety of specialised trades. PFE also provides a range of complimentary services such as vessel movements, cranage, abrasive blasting and industrial painting.
Why Choose Us?
Pacific Fleet Engineering delivers safe, efficient and cost-effective solutions for our clients. We can provide a complete project management package for vessel maintenance and repairs, run smaller projects, provide support to prime contractors or undertake smaller works – flexibility is the key to our success.
Vessel dockings, maintenance and refits are complex activities that require strict discipline and high-calibre personnel to ensure high work standards without cost overruns. Pacific Fleet Engineering can assist by:
Co-ordinating docking related services
Maintaining regular communication with full financial and engineering reporting
Painting & Blasting overseen by certified quality controllers.