Semi-submersible barge, Camel put to work at Pacific Marine Base – Brisbane
Four boats, two different locations and one AWESOME job by Pacific…

Pacific Marine Base opens up greater possibilities for marine construction and logistics projects
Very exciting to see the new 600t crane pad under load whilst…

Pacific Marine Base – Brisbane welcomes M/Y Suri
Was nice to welcome M/Y Suri today to assist with unloading all…

Pipes destined for New Zealand depart from Pacific Marine Base – Brisbane
The first of 68 Gordon Adams pipes arrived today on LCH Transport…

Pacific Marine Base – Brisbane can handle all your heavy lifting needs
You know what they say about BIG wharves...?
They attract…

Solomon Islands Patrol Vessel AUKI redirected to Pacific Marine Base – Brisbane due to NSW floods
Solomon Islands patrol vessel AUKI was heading to Port Macquarie…

Nowra Bridge project
Conditions are piping hot at Pacific Marine Base - Brisbane with…

Pacific Tug Group, PT Mary assists with new Brisbane CityCat terminal construction
Fitzgerald Construction Australia (FCA) using our crane pad to…

Jackup Barge towed from Hay Point to Pacific Marine Base – Brisbane
Vladi Vladev and the team at Pacific Tug Group have done well…

Pacific Tug Group to tow piles from Brisbane to Nowra, NSW
The first 1500 diameter pipe arrived from ABFI Steel Group for…