Superyacht welcomed to Pacific Marine Base – Brisbane
Last Friday, after weathering a tornado and torrential rain,…

Removal of crane off a barge for a major service at Pacific Marine Base – Brisbane
One of the big boys on our wharf today removing a crane off a…

Pacific Marine Base – Brisbane’s new biosecurity site
Our new Biosecurity site was completed early October and has…

RUOK day 2021
Pacific Marine Base - Brisbane put on a BBQ lunch in support…

PT Monto and PT Camel set sail
Busy times here at Pacific Marine Base - Brisbane. The PT Monto…

We always enjoy when friends come to visit us at Pacific Marine Base – Brisbane
Its always nice when friends drop in for a visit. Smit Lamnalco…

Pacific Marine Base – Brisbane delivers logistical support to Heron Construction Company Ltd
We started loading pipe for Heron Construction Company Ltd into…

Pacific Tug Group, PT Kythira to transport pipe to New Zealand
From Biloela these pipes have seen the open roads and are now…

Heavy Machinery transported all the way from Gove, NT to Pacific Marine Base – Brisbane
The next load brought into Pacific Marine Base - Brisbane by…

M/Y Suri departs Pacific Marine Base – Brisbane
A late night departure for M/Y Suri. She berthed at Pacific…