PT Transporter returns after major re-fit
The Pacific Tug Engineering team today returned the PT Transporter…

PT Kythira and PT Fortitude – Gold Coast, Australia
A perfect day on the Gold Coast, Australia!
Photo of PT Kythira…

Pacific Marine Base – Brisbane: High capacity floating wharf – open for business
Check out the size of the wharf in comparison to the oversized…

The Twofold Bay tug hits the water
Eden welcomes its newest tug to the tugboat family. The Twofold…

The little Tug that could sails through Bundy
ONE of Pacific Tug’s more powerful boats pulled into Bundy…

Salvage of FV Dianne
Pacific Tug has completed the salvage of the fishing trawler…

Salvage of LO SHEN by Wide Bay Shipping Services
On the 28th November 2017, Wide Bay Shipping Services at Eden…

Port Eden Update – Steve Marks
It is now well over six months since Wide Bay Shipping Services…

Shipping movements in Bundaberg smooth sailing
Harbour Towage in Bundaberg during the first six months of 2017…

Wide Bay Shipping Services assist with Ex-HMAS Tobruk final voyage
After a two year process the Queensland Government and the Wide…