SL Cook stops at Pacific Marine Base – Brisbane
SL Cook berthed today for a 3 day stopover on its way to warmer…

Pacific Tug’s newest asset, the Camel
Pacific Tug's newest asset the "CAMEL", a semi-submersible barge.…

Final testing completed at Pacific Marine Base – Brisbane before heading to the North Sea
Great to see local companies developing technology for the world…

Two new projects underway at Pacific Marine Base – Brisbane
Cracking day at Pacific Marine Base - Brisbane with the start…

We welcome Riverside Resolute for the first time at Pacific Marine Base – Brisbane
What a beautiful morning to welcome Riverside Resolute for the…

Kiwai Chief loaded & lashed at Pacific Marine Base – Brisbane
Loaded and lashed faster than expected, the Kiwai Chief departed…

Kiwai Chief headed to Nauru
RORO and LOLO meets Pacific Marine Base - Brisbane (PMB). Last…

PT Zarka working on the Gold Coast
Another successful job for Pacific Tug!!! News footage of PT…

Support to Queens Wharf Development, Brisbane
We are proud to be providing Fitzgerald Constructions Australia…

Norfolk Island Regional Council contracts Pacific Tug Group to barge much needed stores and equipment to the island
After 3 successful trips to Norfolk Island carrying Boral's asphalt…